A Guide On Emergency Dental Treatment

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Any tooth-related situation that warrants immediate treatment is a dental emergency. Prompt treatment of dental problems can help save a tooth and prevent the issue from escalating. Hence, never ignore dental issues, especially when you suspect they are a huge problem. This piece explains some common issues that constitute dental emergencies. 

Excessive pain

Pain is often a sign of serious underlying issues. For example, you may experience excessive pain after removing items stuck between your teeth. The pain might result from gum injuries or chipped teeth, especially if you removed the thing forcefully. Emergency dental treatment helps you receive treatment for issues that cause excessive pain.

Excessive pain may also result from complications that occur after dental procedures. For example, nerve damage may occur during dental implant surgeries. Loose implants are also a common cause of pain. You may also experience a lot of pain if you have autoimmune problems with post-surgery medications. Therefore, always seek emergency dental treatment when you experience excessive pain. 


Infections result from various issues. For example, a bacterial infection causes pus to accumulate in the gum or bone. The condition causes a fever, excessive pain, swollen face and severe throbbing. You may also experience swollen and tender lymph nodes. Another sign of an infection is the foul taste, smell and rush. 

Early treatment of infection helps prevent complications. For example, the conditions on your teeth might spread quickly to other parts of your body. Some illnesses, such as abscesses, develop and spread quickly. The dentist helps you manage the infection and determine its extent. Ultimately, your dentist lets you determine the condition's cause and prevent its recurrence. 


Accidents can cause injuries to teeth, gums, tongue and bones. Such damages are dangerous, especially if you experience swelling and heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding might cause other issues, such as blocked airways and anemia. You may also experience fatigue, weakness and other health complications. Therefore, ensure you seek emergency dental treatment to prevent such problems.

Dentists apply different tactics to treat the injured parts of the mouth. For example, thorough scrutiny of your injury helps the doctor to determine whether to stitch the injured area or perform surgery. Surgery can help moderate, severe fractures to your jaw bone. The dentist may use jaw wires to keep it stable as you recover. Hence, ensure you get emergency treatment after trauma. 

Common issues that constitute dental emergencies include pain, infections and trauma. Ensure you get emergency dental treatment immediately.
