The Benefits of Custom Fitted Mouthguards by a Dentist

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Are you an athlete, a frequent gym-goer or do you often engage in physical activities? Have you been using store-bought mouthguards for protection? Did you know that these mouthguards may not provide adequate protection for your teeth? A better alternative is custom-fitted mouthguards, made by a dentist specifically for your teeth. This blog post delves into the advantages of custom-fitted mouthguards and highlights the reasons to consider investing in them.

Better protection: A custom-fitted mouthguard provides better protection for your teeth and jaw than a store-bought mouthguard. A dentist will create a mouthguard that fits perfectly to your teeth and jaw, ensuring maximum protection against any injury or impact. This is particularly important for athletes who engage in high-impact sports such as boxing, football, or martial arts.

Comfort: Custom-fitted mouthguards are more comfortable than store-bought mouthguards. They are made from high-quality materials that are soft, flexible, and easy to wear. They also fit perfectly to your teeth, eliminating any discomfort or irritation that is often caused by store-bought mouthguards. This means you can wear your mouthguard for extended periods without any discomfort.

Improved performance: Apart from protection and comfort, custom-fitted mouthguards can also help improve your performance. The mouthguard can help you breathe better, reducing fatigue and improving your endurance. It can also help you focus and concentrate better by reducing distractions caused by discomfort or ill-fitting mouthguards.

Longevity: Custom-fitted mouthguards last longer than store-bought mouthguards. This is because they are made from high-quality materials that are designed to withstand wear and tear caused by frequent use. They are also easy to clean, which means they can be used for a longer period without the risk of any bacterial or fungal infections.

Cost-effective: Although custom-fitted mouthguards may be more expensive than store-bought mouthguards, they are cost-effective in the long run. Custom-fitted mouthguards provide better protection, are more comfortable, and last longer than store-bought mouthguards. This means you don't have to replace them as often, saving you money in the long run.

Investing in a custom-fitted mouthguard by a dentist is a smart decision if you engage in high-impact sports or physical activities. They provide better protection, are more comfortable, improve your performance, last longer, and are cost-effective in the long run. A dentist will create a mouthguard that fits perfectly to your teeth and jaw, ensuring maximum protection against any injury or impact. Don't settle for store-bought mouthguards when a custom-fitted mouthguard can give you the protection and comfort you need. Make an appointment with your dentist today to learn more.
